H ot boy
Y esterday’s house fire (small, but significant)
I mmuno defficiencies (flu)
A rrested development addiction
M oving bedrooms
O ccasional exercise
N aps
B each vacation
L aziness
O ne or four weddings
G randma time
H ouse full of entertaining roommates
I lied about the hot boy
A small "trip" down my stairs and through my bedroom wall
T axes
U nreliable (meaning non-existent) internet situation
S chool
Y esterday’s house fire (small, but significant)
I mmuno defficiencies (flu)
A rrested development addiction
M oving bedrooms
O ccasional exercise
N aps
B each vacation
L aziness
O ne or four weddings
G randma time
H ouse full of entertaining roommates
I lied about the hot boy
A small "trip" down my stairs and through my bedroom wall
T axes
U nreliable (meaning non-existent) internet situation
S chool