If I were to narrow down my love of grades one through six to just one reason it would hands down be read-a-thons. They were few and in between in my day thanks to the "six months principle's office free" rule, which made them even more a blessed event. (I really had a problem with the whole "obey the rules" concept in elementary school.) None the less, they came occasionally and nothing was more rewarding than showing up to class in my power ranger p.j.s with a pillow, a bag of starbursts, and the latest installment in the babysitters club series.
Today is your lucky day because I'm bringing it back...cyber style! Go hop into those old sweats, and curl up to your computer with a box of Jujubies, because I'm bringing directly to you links to a few of my favorite online reads as of late (let's not get offended if I forgot one of yours...these are just one's that popped into my head.) They are blog posts that either just clicked with me personally or caused introspection, laughter, and possible near-peed pants experiences...from people who just, well, say it better. Please enjoy... (and not sue me if one of yours is on here...remember what Mother Theresa once said, "Plagiarism can be a super-duper way to get good stuff out there. Amen.")
The Gorge - Kate
Market! (I prefer to call this one "Hanging Peasants" (sorry Ab) - Abbie
My Home - Natalie
Nimbostratus - Heather
Love - Catherine
James and His Phrases - Catherine
Physics Schmysics: That's What I Say - Spencer
Teenagers are the New Stupid - Spencer
Redwood Giants - Angie
Yawping - Abbie (on Angie's blog)
My happiness from reading these thanks your brilliance. I'm thinking I'll do this every now and then, as the lists will continue to grow!