March 15, 2008


My mom turns the big five-oh today. I was gonna crack some joke about how she looks 27, but let's be honest...when you have 50 years of wisdom under your belt, you should shout it from the rooftops. You should make sure EVERYONE knows that you are fifty and be proud like Simba of it. No? I'll let you know for sure in 30 years....

Also in the plan for today was to list 50 things I love about this lady, one for every year she's lived. But due to a lack of power cord, I am paying per minute for internet access and so due to lack of funding, not lack of are 16 reasons I lalalalove Ms. Barbara Nelson Muirhead, one for every year I lived before getting a brain:

1. The way she hums songs throughout the day.
2. When she says, "Don't should on yourself"
3. Her piano skills...ahoy Mozart.
4. Her love of gardening, which incidentally leads to my love of our garden.
5. This woman can read a book in like 7 minutes. She pretty much owns the library.
6. "The look" Well, I love it when it is directed at someone other than myself.
7. She lets me make up my own religion, guilt free...and even contributes speculatory doctrines on occasion.
8. She'll play Memory with me even though she HATES it (but just cause I win every time.)
9. She cuts her own hair.
10. She can type approximately 400 wpm. We made her take an official speed test this week and I quote, "Wait! I ran out of words!"
11. She is always in attendance at my pity parties.
12. She lets you be a sore loser when she whips your pants at Scrabble.
13. She gives free therapy to anyone who wants it. All day long.
14. She is saving the world one person at a time....aka her African children, all the letters she writes, Amnesty International, the neighbors, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.
15. I'm pretty sure you would do anything, and I'm pretty sure I mean anything for a bite of her chocolate chip cookies.
16. She is one of maybe 2 people I know who truly NEVER places judgements or expectations of any kind on anyone.
17. She's just all kinds of cool chick. :) heh heh. Palm Tree.



Natalie Harris said...

Man Kristen, now I can't write ANYTHING about or to your mom because it will seem EMPTY...but i finally realize the truly significant importance of the word AMEN. It was created for me. SOooo, AMEN!!! Your mom is one of the greatest gifts in and to my life.

Heather said...

It is practically IMPOSSIBLE for your mom to be the big five-oh (and not because I'm right behind her)but because the only people I know that are that age are not in any way cool, funny or astute like your mom. And now that you outed her on the best c.c. cookie ever, I'll be right over.

megan said...

Your mom IS amazing! I don't know what else to say cuz you said it all! love....your racist friend...ha ha!

Anonymous said...

I would have no idea about at least one of those. She has never beat me at scrabble.


Ashleigh said...

Well, this is a good introduction to your blog since I have a fondness for your as well. In fact, I was at my mom's house last week and I got her mail and I looked at your yard. I didn't realize until I had my own yard how hard gardening is and what an incredibly beautiful yard your mom always has with her flowers. I was honestly thinking to myself that I need to talk to Barbara before it's planting time. Anyway, happy birthday to Babs from me.

BTW, so glad you found my blog!