March 26, 2008

dear gwen, amen.

"Sometimes it’s so hard to find what it is I’m trying to say.
People might think you can turn creativity on and off,
but it’s not like that. It just kinda comes out,
a mash-up of all these things you collect in your mind.
You never know when it’s gonna happen, but when it does…
it’s like MAGIC.
It’s just that simple, and it’s just that hard."


Emily ~ Lizzy said...

AMEN BEAUTIFULLY STATED :D ~ haha its so true :D

Natalie Harris said...

So happy you are back...a week is a long time for me...


tiff said...

have you been watching some tv on

megan said...

Gwen Stefani is boss and so is her statement.

kristen said...

and so is her shirt.

and tiff...maybe i have maybe i have not.